

All Bhavana Group´s activities

( i.e. organizing of meditation retreats and lectures,

translating and publishing books on vipassana meditation and their free distribution )

are supported by voluntary donations.


Your support is welcome.

There are two ways how you can donate:


a) via  (send your donation to )


b) money transfer to the bank account:

Bank name:   BRE Bank S.A.  (also mBank)

Bank address:    Karolinska 654/2, 186 00 Praha 8,

Czech Republic

Account owner name:   Adam Dolezi

IBAN = CZ09 6210 6701 0022 0804 6656




Thank You for Your support.

All financial means collected are exclusively used for supporting the activities mentioned above.

( All Bhavana Group members are volunteers working for no pay. )



You can also support us by purchasing:

"Right Attitude" T-shirt

bhavana T-shirt

Price is 12 EUR ... (or more ;-)


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