I can best thank Jesus for His dying bequest by striving daily to become like John in his love and imitation of you. Mother Teresa once laid out a simple path for everyone, leading from silence to peace. 2. Who could tell the great joy which filled their hearts when they held you in their arms? Having once given us Jesus Christ by you, God does not change His way of helping us. Help me to esteem the light of my reason as a sharing in the divine wisdom, especially when I try to follow the teaching of the Gospel. . Gazing sorrowfully on His lifeless body, you watched the soldier drive the spear into His Heart. You alone know how to triumph over the old serpentand to crush his head under your heel. Our Lady of Sorrows Feast Day - DocsLib Be pleased to intercede with Jesus, your Son, for Christian families. Help me to make good use of the graces given me by God. Keep my soul in good health so that when my body fails, my soul may be prepared to meet its Maker and Judge. How unimportant are the infirmities of the body compared to the infirmities of the soul! You were chosen as Mother predestined before all creatures, filled with all grace, all virtue, all holiness so that the Son, infinitely pure, who in Heaven has an immortal and eternal Father, on earth has a Mother exempt from all sin. But who can describe the matchless purity and beauty of your soul? Liturgical feast Our Lady of Compassion. I wish to attend Holy Mass, receive Holy Communion, and visit Jesus in the tabernacle in union with you, in the spirit in which you yourself did so. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE DAY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 11 from 1 to 3 PM Celebrate the Patroness of our Community & the Americas with live Mariachi Music, Food, Drinks, Games, Procession, and Blessing In honor of Our Lady. 16, 24). Mary, My Mother, though your body was separated from your soul in death, your soul was reunited in your incorrupt body, and you were taken up into heaven by angels. As the surest refuge for a child is the heart of its mother, so your Immaculate Heart is my refuge. Don Luis de VelascoII, when he was Viceroy of New Spain, had as his confessor a Dominican, Fray Cristobal de Ortega, who also acted as his financial adviser. Our Lady of Sorrows The devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows flourished in the Middle Ages, and the hymn Stabat Mater was composed for it. He wished to adapt Himself to our nature by giving us life and aid through the heart of a mother, having placed in your heart some of His own love for mankind to make you the spiritual Mother of the redeemed. My imitation of both Jesus and you depends upon my response to the amount of grace that God sees fit to give me. . Mary, My Mother, your intercession is all-powerful. The Expectation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast, December 18 (Triduum, December 15-17 or until Christmas). Feast, September 12 (Triduum, September 9-11). All that He could give, He bestowed upon you, His Immaculate Bride. Jesus had delivered Himself in His Passion to the will of His Father, and before His sacrifice for sinners could be perfect, He had to be forsaken by that Father. He is Son of man by His birth, in time, in the bosom of a woman. St. Joan of Arc Feast Day May 30. - Our Lady of Compassion | Facebook They then left a small offering of silver required by the Law of Moses. I can pray to you with full confidence because you are loved by the Father as the Mother of His Son, loved by the Son as His own Mother, loved by the Holy Spirit as His Immaculate Bride. Mary, My Mother, I thank you for having suffered and wept for love of me that you might become my consolation in affliction. 2. Feast of Our Lady Mother of Sorrows - 15th Sept Mary, My Mother, you were to complete the offering of your Son, which you had begun on the day of His presentation in the temple. 2. We have the sublime dignity of being children of God by adoption; Jesus alone is His Son by nature. Our Lady of Sorrows | EWTN Though you were the Mother of the Most High, you wanted to become the nurse of Elizabeth and the infant John. The three Divine Persons declared you Queen of heaven and earth and assigned to you a place at the right hand of Jesus. Behold I come to you to show you the wounds sin has inflicted on me. To single nations, to private families, to individual persons, you have always provided help, given solace and rekindled hope, especially when they turned to you with Rosary in hand. 1. I am your merciful mother, the merciful mother of all of you who live united in . From the knowledge of the Will of God you gathered the strength that was to uphold you at the foot of the Cross on which your Son hung, dying. Mary, My Mother, I could go directly to God and ask Him for His grace without your help and that of the Saints, but God has not willed it so. Mary, Mother of God, already in your childhood you dedicated yourself to the love and service of God. Surely the Son cannot refuse her who gave Him birth, the one who never denied Him anything. Your will was one with His, faithful to your promise made at the Incarnation. 3. St. Brigid of Kildare Feast Day February 1st. Mary, Mother of God, you are also the Mother of men. You are ever imploring favors for the just, as well as for sinners. This miraculous defeat broke the back . Feast, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) (Triduum, Wednesday nearest the feast of St. At the Annunciation you received Jesus on earth; it was proper that He should receive you in Heaven. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! 3. God has made you Queen and Protectress of the Church. How many are now in heaven because of the protection given them by your merciful Heart! I admire the holiness of their lives and the nobility of their family. The repetition of the "Hail Marys" keep before my mind the importance of the Incarnation and your share in it. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of the Ascension (Triduum, Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension). One of your greatest delights is to lavish these treasures upon your faithful children. But it is most reasonable and proper to say that God, who honored and loved You more than all others during your life, and whom He had chosen to be the Mother of His Son and our Redeemer, wills that all graces that are granted to those whom He has redeemed should pass through your hands and be distributed by you in order to exalt you. No wonder the angels were lost in admiration! The Creator, in His goodness, became the Son of His own creature. our lady of sorrows feast day. For the small sacrifice of being devoted to you I can obtain a happy death and eternal life. If I put my trust in you, I shall be saved. America Needs Fatima Jesus invites me to do so, for He said, "Take my yoke upon youMy yoke is easy and My burden light" (Matt. 7, 24). Mary, My Mother, you were not obliged by the Law of Moses to present and ransom your firstborn Son. How much more precious you were than any chalice of richest gold. When Jesus was conceived in your womb by the infinite power of the Holy Spirit, you possessed the Author of grace, and He so adorned your soul with the richness of His heavenly gifts that you won the admiration of men and angels. Seeing your own nothingness as compared with the infinite majesty of God, who chose you for His Mother, you acknowledged how unworthy you were of so great honor, but you did not oppose His will in the least thing. I thank God for the great glory He has bestowed upon you for which all generations shall call you blessed. It was your duty to represent the whole of mankind and to offer those acts of adoration faith, hatred of sin, love and prayer, which were due from those who shared in this sacrifice. Look with pity on me for in You is my hope. He ordered most perfectly His whole creation, for He is the true fountain and highest source of light and wisdom. 1. Francis became very sick, nearly dying twice. In return for the natural strength that you gave Him, He gave you His divine strength. Since you are the Mother of men, God gave you a special knowledge of the needs of every Christian that you might help us to save our souls. Our Lady of Consolation - Notre Dame de la Consolata You have such a desire to save sinners that you look for them in order to help them. Everyday, somewhere in the world, local, regional or universal feast of Our Lady is celebrated. Help me to share actively in Holy Mass by sharing in your spirit. Corruption is a consequence of sin, but you were sinless. 2. You are kind and loving for you have a mother's heart, full of pity for the erring. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce " Since you were enlightened by the Scriptures, you realized that your Child would be contradicted and utterly rejected by the Jews, who had, for forty centuries, unceasingly sighed for Him as a Savior. Your ardent faith and intense love pierced that thin veil which separated you from your loving Son. John took my place on Calvary and you became, in his person, my Mother. Mary, My Mother, your little life held a mystery immeasurably deeper than that of any other human life, since no mind could measure the distance that lay between the chosen Maiden who was not only the servant of the Lord but also His true Mother, and the rest of mankind who were His servants and no more. I unite myself with your heart so that everything I have to do or suffer may become a pure sacrifice of love in the sight of God. He has reconciled us to God. I did it not once or twice but numberless times. There you stood bravely, your eyes fastened on your Divine Son. Inflame me with that heavenly love with which you loved your dear Son, Jesus Christ . As your true and lawful spouse, Saint Joseph was meant by God to have the privilege of exercising as his right, in virtue of his virginal marriage, the parental office in regard to your Child. 3. When I address the Almighty, I am frequently fearful because of my sinfulness in the presence of His infinite majesty and holiness. God has created nature and all the wondrous functions of the human body. In so doing I simply imitate God who gave Himself and His Son to us through you. Mary, Mother of God, your Heart is a shrine of holiness, into which the demon of sin has never entered; whose sanctuary was never once defiled by the least touch of evil, whose altar was the chosen resting place of the Holy Spirit. 11th February: Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the Sick GLADE PARK, Colorado (Catholic Online) - The feast dedicated to "Our Lady of the Rosary" was instituted by Pope Pius V. It was to commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571. You formed His Heart, to love us, and His Precious Blood, to shed for us and to be given to us for our drink. Due to her feast day on September 15, the month of September has traditionally been set aside to honor Our Lady of Sorrows. It was His will that you dispense mercy by helping sinners, healing the sick, relieving the distressed and comforting the sorrowful everywhere. You did not shrink from the disgrace of being recognized as the Mother of one condemned to die a shameful death. He had to crown the gift of His love with the grand gift of you, His Mother. Mary, Mother of God, no stain of original sin ever defiled your pure soul. You stand alone on a throne of greatness and perfection far above the rest of creatures. Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School 2. He also willed that (2) everywhere the offering of Himself should be presented to the Father through your hands. In 1913, Pope Pius X fixed the date on September 15. What untold merit you must have laid up for eternity during the nine months that preceded your Nativity.
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