Community service hours are available through the program as are sessions devoted to guiding participants in preparing for the college application process. Beginner to advanced instruction and progressive skill learning is available in every activity we offer at camp. Camp Lohikan hires well rounded individuals with a wide range of skills and most importantly a heart to work with children. One day each week is a trip day or special events day. Lake and pool swimming, boats, jet skis, bungee, trampolines, tennis, baseball, basketball, circus, drama, arts & crafts, cooking, paint ball, etc. SUMMER: 343 WALLERVILLE ROAD, LAKE COMO, PA 18437, TEL: 570-798-2707, WINTER: PO BOX 189, GLADSTONE, NJ 07934, TEL: 908-470-9317, 7:15 - Reveille. Luckily none of the children suffered any serious physical injury, however, the emotional damage is immeasurable.". The highlight of each day is the evening activity! Its not uncommon for a first-time camper to come to camp without a friend from home. Campers are bunked according to age, grade, and session. We have families who would be happy to speak with you about camp. As a parent, we know that it is important for you to keep up to date with the progress of your child. Working at Camp Lohikan: Employee Reviews | Getting ready for the first-time camp experience can make a child nervous and apprehensive. Compared to most private camps our full season is longer (55 days vs 49 days) and less expensive ($2000-3000 less). Working at Camp Lohikan | Glassdoor Campers participating in the elective program receive an Activity Selection Form in the spring which is used to make activity choices for the first week of attendance. Amazing things happen when kids are having the time of their lives! Program specialists, division directors, and counselors are on hand when these activity choices are made to help and advise the campers. To prepare campers and parents for the campers time away from home, a package of literature is provided after registration which will help parents get ready for camp and will include tips that will ensure the campers successful adjustment to camp life. Show details How it works Browse for the lohikan form Customize and eSign lohikan packing list Send out signed camp lohikan reviews or print it Rate the camp lohikan form 4.8 Satisfied 37 votes be ready to get more Create this form in 5 minutes or less Each girls' and boys' division is composed of 60 to 90 campers. Participation is not a problem in the elective program because the campers are not being forced to participate in an activity that doesn't interest them. Senior staff members and program heads bring years of experience to the camp program and provide professional instruction and supervision. Starting as a camper at the age of five, Mark has participated in every phase of camper life and has worked in most of the camp's counseling and supervisory positions. It takes a lot of time and effort to find counselors who will meet the needs and expectations of our campers and parents. The laundry is completed and returned to the cabin within 24 hours. Camp Lohikan is located at 343 Wallerville Rd in Lake Como, Pennsylvania 18437. Spencer fled the scene, and was caught later that day by New York state police near Hancock, N.Y. CampMinder is your access to all things camp! We offer high quality instruction in each of our activity programs. Every candidate is personally interviewed and screened by the staff coordinator and the camp director. JUNIOR campers are children entering the first through fourth grade (6 to 9 years old). Around 2 a.m. on a sticky August night in 1917, a 35-year old Army sergeant named Vida Henry sat exhausted and bleeding by the Southern Pacific railroad tracks just west of downtown Houston. There's no focus on fashion, social status, or competition. Campers are encouraged to write or email home at least twice a week. We are serious about seeking out those kind individuals who will be excellent role models and warm, nurturing staff members. What we know about the attack on the summer camp at the Duncanville And everyone knows, "You dont have to be the best to have the most FUN!". We continue to receive top ratings from the state agencies and the ACA. Our swimming pool is a heated pool (25 meter) centrally located on the campgrounds. The campers told police the truck only missed them by about 10 feet. We also benefit from economies of scale because many summer expenses are shared with Lake Greeley Camp and Camp Cayuga which are two other camps operated by the Buynak family. We post photos of campers every day of the summer! These outgrowth clinics include the Advanced Tennis Clinic, the Equestrian Clinic, the X-Games Skate Clinic, the High-Five Basketball Clinic, the Hip Hop Clinic, Camp-a-Palooza Concert Series, and the Circus Show Clinic. The Open House is a perfect opportunity for first-time campers to meet, enjoy a barbecue, take a tour of the campgrounds, meet summer staff members and maybe even make a new camper friend! We also train staff members in the proper use of fire extinguishers, which are attached to every building. Welcome Camp Lohikan families. CampMinder, the camp's management program, handles this service and also hosts the camp's summer photo gallery, which featured more than 10,000 photos last summer! Duncanville police responded Friday afternoon to a shooting that wounded a man. In addition to counselor coverage, three members of the camps senior staff are scheduled night duty and confirm that all is well by visiting the cabins up until 12:30am. Joining the camp managers in the operation of the camp are our senior staff members. 5:05 6:05 Activity Period for elective program participants (inters and seniors). The laundry is washed and dried with commercial equipment located on the campgrounds. Click here for Camp Lohikans Events Calendar. Campers can email home as often as they like. Many of our senior staff members have children enrolled in camp and have chosen to work at Camp Lohikan specifically because it is the unique camp experience they desire for their children. The elective free-choice program addresses the desires and interests of today's child better than any other program format. We're about 130 miles northwest of New York City (2.5 hour drive) and 160 miles north of Philadelphia (3.25 hour drive). Every activity period, whether its tennis, horseback riding or mountain boarding, begins with the teaching of a skill and then leads into play. Inter and Senior campers (6th graders and older) participate in the ELECTIVE FREE-CHOICE program. While specialization is an option, most campers schedule a sampling of the arts, sports, and adventure activities featured at camp. Instructor staff members are trained in the camps procedures related to their specialty. Camper favorites include: the Super Star Games, Night of the Classics, Mad Mikes Mimic Mania, the Rock Hunt, the Ceremony of Chief Lohikan, the Toga Social, the Sadie and Sammi Hawkins Nights, Lohikan Idol, Game Show Night, Talent Show, Campfire and a lot more! OOur staff understands that camp is all about the kids. BBB File Opened: Junior cabins are composed of six to ten campers. Division directors meet with each of their campers several times during the day and keep close tabs on first-time campers. Mark is a very hands-on camp director. Every camper is guaranteed to receive the activities they want! 9:05 - 12:15 - Three one-hour morning activity periods. Note: Click on the linked heading text to expand or collapse accordion panels. When participation is enthusiastic and the campers are having FUN, amazing things happen! EXTREME SPORTS: Honda Quads ATVs (4 wheelers), Mountain Boarding, Skateboarding, In-Line Skating, Mountain Biking, Bungee Trampoline, Paintball, Giant Swing, Dirt Bikes Campers receive positive recognition for acts of kindness at weekly campfires with the presentation of the Chiefs Award. In so far as the need to contact home while at camp, campers have access to email on a daily basis, so cell phones have no value in this regard. About Us; Awards; Blog; Research; Guides; Employers. July 26, 2012— -- Five people face charges for allegedly terrorizing a Jewish summer camp in Pennsylvania. We consider our program to be noncompetitive. Its the ultimate in elective programming! So we provide food that tastes good and is good for them. Our goal is to have bunkmates begin and end their camp experience together. In our supportive camp community campers receive . To promote skill development we recognize camper achievement in supportive ways, e.g., award presentations, flagpole announcements, and publication in the camp's daily newspaper. Campers come to Camp Lohikan from all over. Siblings can always see each other at mealtimes, daily assemblies, many evening activities, free time, and especially during our Sibling Ice Cream Parties! Lake Como PA 18439. (908) 470-9317 . After lights-out the cabin counselor(s) remains at the cabin. These acts of kindness weigh heavily in our evaluation process. Probably the biggest reason is that weve been doing camp a long time and were good at it! The average age of our in-cabin staff is greater than 21. The other directors are members of the camps key management team and are similarly involved with our campers, staff, and program, but they do take 6 days off during the summer! Parents control what activities are mandatory and cannot be changed by making the original selection on the campers Activity Selection Form in ink. The van was registered to the Grace Chinese Baptist Church of Richardson, a Dallas suburb, and it was enroute to an East Texas youth camp, the DPS said. Activity cards listing the activities assigned that day are printed for each camper on a daily basis. 3:50 PM on Aug 27, 2021 CDT. Lohikans cabin counselors are primarily college-enrolled individuals. Extensive staff interviews test for core competencies necessary to be a successful camp counselor. At this time intermediates return to their cabins for curfew and seniors report to the snack bar/game room for their canteen period (socializing free-time). The canteen fee covers the campers daily canteen (snack bar) allowance, a Lohikan T-shirt, camp loyalty rewards program (6 year blanket, 5 year jacket, 4 year backpack, 3 year t-shirt), and a subscription to the camp newsletter. CCampers and counselors sit together by cabin in the dining hall and all meal servings are unlimited. Camp Lohikan Reviews | Glassdoor The bunk unit is important at Camp Lohikan. Supporting Mark is the camps management team that has a total of more than 200 years of combined camp experience. Theres a lot to do! In addition, cell phones can access the internet in our area and to allow minors access to the internet without adult supervision is irresponsible and dangerous. Our camp goal is to teach campers new skills as well as guide them in sharpening existing skills. Personal skills are verified and instructors are tested to confirm their knowledge of the camps safety guidelines, operating procedures, and their ability to teach children. All staff members are required to complete a written application, provide excellent references (which are checked), document their experience working with children, and must evidence a strong desire to make a positive impact upon the lives of young people. Junior campers also are given activity choices within the cabin-structured program. Every three to six cabins are combined into a unit that is supervised by a division director. You would be hard pressed to find a camp program offering more choices than Lohikan. Many children come to camp to make new friends! Every activity offers beginner through advanced instruction. We have campers that start camp at every age. Lohikan is a non-sectarian camp. Camp Lohikan is a co-ed sleep-away camp serving boys and girls ages 6-15 that has been owned and operated by the Buynak family since 1957. In 1983 Mike and Arline retired and their son Mark took over the directorship of Camp Lohikan. Emergency procedures are practiced by way of drills held early in every session. Girls and boys cabins are located on opposite sides of the camp. Camp Lohikan can be contacted via phone at (570) 798-2707 for pricing, hours and directions. Police said Mark Trail then yelled racial slurs such as "You f***ing Jews go back where you came from" and "I'm gonna kill you, you f***ing Jews." It's also our personal approach and commitment to the happiness of our campers that makes a difference. Mark is a "hands-on" director, involved in every facet of daily camp life. Camp Lohikan - Wouldn't Regret It But Happy to Move On The division director is the senior staff member who works most closely with the campers assigned to the division. Winter Office: PO Box 189, Gladstone, New Jersey USA Tel. Click here for a complete description of Lohikans facilities. Certain food items can be mailed as well. YYes. Camp Lohikan has been owned and operated by the Buynak family since 1957. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Periodic wellness assessments are made by the infirmary staff to confirm good health. The computer-generated elective program provides for the accountability of every camper participating in the program. This is where we shine! While we cant guarantee that youll see your child every day, we do our best to make sure everyones photo is taken and posted online consistently throughout the summer. Were here to help! We're here to help. For 62 summers the Buynak Family and Camp Lohikan's staff have provided . In the first episode on July 14, Spencer told police that he drove in circles at a high speed to damage several fields on the Bonim campus, according to a police affidavit obtained by ABC News. Most disciplinary matters are minor and are handled by cabin counselors, division directors, and head instructors when appropriate. The camp's administrators, though, took the incidents very seriously, he said. The campers are great and the administration appreciate counselors who put real effort in their work. You can reach us at 908-470-9317 or Each phase of the staff members training is documented, and upon the successful completion of all training sessions, staff members are qualified as camp counselors. We're here to help. Use a camp lohikan incident 2018 template to make your document workflow more streamlined. 343 Wallerville Rd. No one enters the campgrounds without clearance. A judge arraigned Tyler Spencer, an 18-year-old from Linden, Tenn., and set his bail at $200,000. PDF Camp Lohikan Camp Lohikan in the Pocono Mountains | Find a Camp For 67 years we have provided a safe, nurturing camp environment where children try new things, learn new skills, make friends, and most of all have FUN! The menu is "Kosher-style" (no pork or shelled-seafood) and is served buffet style in well-balanced three course meals with plentiful fruits, vegetables, milk and juices. This requires special experience and sensitivity. What sets Camp Lohikan apart from other camps is our program and staff. Our current facilities feature: Eleven lighted, hard-surface tennis courts, indoor and outdoor basketball courts, six sports fields, fully equipped gymnasium, bungee trampolines, one indoor and two outdoor riding rings, indoor and outdoor flying trapeze, circus building, culinary arts building, huge skate park, heated swimming pool, high and low ropes course, a real rock climbing site, indoor and outdoor theater, music recording studio, dance studio, media arts center, creative arts center (with 14 workshops), sports center, five outpost overnight sites, quad track, archery and riflery ranges, speedball and woods course for paintball, 50+ boats on the lake, fully equipped health center, and a lot more. Safety always comes first at Camp Lohikan. The pool facility is used to conduct instructional swimming classes and operate recreational swims, swim meets, scuba classes, snorkeling, water polo and pool parties. Camp Lohikan Profile and History . Other requests are met on a case by case basis. MEDIA ARTS: Radio Broadcasting, Photography, Video Production, Email, Computers, Newspaper You have arrived at Camp Lohikan's CampMinder login page. Amazing things happen when kids are having the time of their lives! Weve got the staff, the facilities, and the unique programming that guarantees the camper will experience success and FUN on a daily basis. Its natural to miss mom and dad when youre away. "Because of what goes on out there in the world, people get scared quick, and that's what they were trying to accomplish," said Dovid Presser, Camp Bonim's director. Weekly barbecues and lakeside picnics are favorites with our campers. Some may be shocked by. 8:35 - Cabin clean-up and daily cabin inspection. We recommend that electronic devices be left at home. Mike and Arline opened the camp for girls and boys and over the years expanded the facility into the 1200 acre, state of the art, summer camp known as Camp Lohikan. Five people are charged in what authorities are calling ethnic intimidation. Everyone from our general counselors to our tennis pro understands that an important goal of the summer is the campers growth as a person. In most activities there is no limit. There is a visiting day scheduled on July 8th for parents to visit their campers, meet staff and enjoy the summer camp setting. Camp managers are co-directors and assistant camp directors, most of whom are year-round employees of the camp. Campers are provided a cubbie dresser for personal belongings and share an open closet area used to hang-up clothes. At this size we have found that our camper population is large enough in each age group to support a full and varied camp program (especially team sports), yet small enough to ensure our personal involvement with each camper. Inter-camp games are off-camp trips that may be affected by local Covid transmission rates, CDC directives, ACA guidelines and instructions from local authorities. Our campers do too! They achieve feats which might at first seem impossible. Welcome to Camp Home: Coronavirus closures have desperate parents Children of many faiths attend Lohikan and all are welcomed. Based upon the laundry schedule and turnaround time, we recommend that your child have enough clothes to last eight days. Lohikan attracts campers who are looking to make NEW FRIENDS, learn NEW SKILLS, and have FUN! Along with personality, character, credentials, and experience we search for individuals who are "kind". Furthermore, electronic devices are restricted and will be confiscated if they are capable of: (1) taking or storing pictures and/or videos (privacy issues), (2) communicating via the internet, or (3) operating as a cell phone. With respect to our youngest campers, before attending camp, these children must have mastered basic personal skills like being able to take a shower and wash their hair, getting dressed, etc. However, we generally run about an 80% return rate. Call us at 908-470-9317 or email your request to PERFORMING ARTS: Theatre - Acting Techniques, Movement, Song Delivery, Music, Dancing, Costuming, Make-up, Set Design and Construction, Lighting Design, Sound Engineering. Camp Lohikans evening activities, special events and trips do not repeat during the eight-week season. Made some days harder than others. Sunscreen stations are located throughout camp. These include the camp's linen rental (blankets, sheets, pillow, pillowcase). Usually 80% of our counselors are American. The living accommodations for the boys and the girls are located on opposite sides of the camp. No one ever leaves the table hungry! SUPER JUNIORS are entering the fifth grade (10 years old) and are considered part of the junior division although they are given a later curfew and the option of joining the elective program. Depending upon the ages of the siblings and the activity, siblings can even schedule activities together! Some we won, some we lost, but all were FUN! In the past we have participated in many inter-camp games and we operated them without tryouts. They choose all of their activities on a daily or weekly basis. The personality, character, credentials and experience of our staff makes each of them unique. Frequently Asked Questions About Camp Lohikan, a coed summer camp CIRCUS ARTS: Mini-Tramp, Rolla Bolla, Circus Bike, Rolling Globe, Acrobatics, Stilts, Hand Balancing, Single/Double/Triple Trapeze, Aerial Hoop, Flying Trapeze, Silks, Teeterboard, Juggling, Unicycle, Spanish Web, Tight Wire, Diabolo, Devil Sticks, Lyra, Clowning, Circus Show AJET SKIING INSTRUCTORS: Camp Lohikan is a frstclass summer camp ying in the Pocono Mountains ofPennsylvania Our camper rang in age fom 6 t 15 and com t camp from all over the world So does our taff!We paythe BEST salares t recrutthe BEST staf. Summer days are typically warm and the nights are cool. Regular inspections by these agencies cover buildings, food service, dining hall, kitchen, septic systems, drinking water, and lake water. Cell phones are prohibited in camp. The enthusiasm they bring to the activity is contagious and it lifts the spirit of everyone. Super juniors return to their cabins at 9:15pm. In 1983, the managing of the camp was turned over to their son Mark Buynak. Questions frequently asked include, Are the counselors nice? Our camp occupies 1200 acres which includes top notch arts, sports and adventure facilities each of which is designed to accommodate one or more of our 65+ activities. Camp Lohikan. Safety procedures are an integral part of every daily activity. The services are held on campgrounds and led by a member of our senior staff. Staff members attend a pre-camp staff training session that extends seven to ten days depending upon the responsibilities assumed by the staff member. Campers wake up four days a week at 7:15am and three days a week at 8:15am. Attendance rosters are also printed for each activity, every period. Business Outlook. Please note that all campers will be given an official Camp Lohikan t-shirt before they leave camp. A lot of our daily activities are noncompetitive by nature and many campers schedule these activities exclusively. Regardless of age, a new camper will never be assigned to a cabin where there are less than three new campers. SPORTS: ennis, Baseball, Basketball, Flag Football, Softball, Riflery, Soccer, Lacrosse, Golf, Gymnastics, Roller Hockey, Street Hockey, Field Hockey, Fencing, Cheerleading, Archery, Volleyball, Track & Field, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Tetherball, Weight Training, Fitness, Ultimate Frisbee, Ping Pong, Frolf, Ga-Ga, Dodge Ball Every junior cabin is scheduled a daily period of swimming instruction (in our heated pool! They learn about themselves and how to manage lifes challenges. It's all FUN! You can also bring a picnic lunch or join us for our Visiting Day Barbecue Lunch. Guidelines as to what can be sent and cannot be sent are detailed in the Parent Handbook. He gets to know every camper in camp. At dinner, the lights in the dining hall are dimmed and the birthday cake and ice cream are delivered. We have a lot of friendly, outgoing staff who are happy to have the opportunity to be a positive influence in your childs development. A child does not have to be a great athlete to experience success at Camp Lohikan. If your child's friend is the same age, grade, and enrolled for the same session, completing a bunk request form will ensure that the friends are bunked together. Another program we offer first-time campers is our Pen Pal Program. All staff members receive training in behavior management during staff orientation. We are often asked "How can you do it?" At a quarter mile above sea level our mountain air is clean and dry. SUPER JUNIOR campers (entering the 5th grade) can do both. A - repeated violation will be reported to the camp director and may result in termination. PO Box 217 Wallerville Rd, Lake Como, PA 18437-0217. The view is one of outstanding natural beauty. Its an experience with benefits that last a lifetime! Camp Lohikan will teach management, patience and a wealth of knowledge in child development. Our supportive environment is perfect for beginners to try something new without anxiety or the fear of embarrassment.
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