2005 California State University - Fullerton, JOANA G. CIURASH (2006) Professor, ChemistryB.S. Advisory: None 2003 California State University - San Francisco, ALEXA SAWA (2012) Associate Professor, BiologyB.S. Areas of Interest. The majority of the associate's degree graduates for this major are Hispanic or Latino. Grading: Letter COD GE: C2, C3 CSU GE: C2, E IGETC: 3B, PHIL 014Introduction to EthicsUnits: 3, A systematic examination of the concepts of moral right and wrong and the application of moral principles and/or virtues in the attempted resolution of significant moral difficulties. Opens in a new window. XLSX kjc.cpu.edu.cn Grading: Letter Advisory: ENG 061 1986 University of Nevada - Las Vegas M.S. 2009 California State University San Bernardino, WENDY J.H. COD GE: C3 CSU GE: C2 IGETC: 3B, 4G, PHIL 013Perspectives on Death & DyingUnits: 3, The phenomenon of human mortality as presented, analyzed, and critically evaluated from cross-cultural perspectives in philosophy, religion, literature, psychology, medicine, and law. This course is offered in the Fall semester. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Prerequisite: None 2012 University of Arkansas Ph.D. 2012 University of Arkansas, LINDA EMERSON (2004) Professor, PsychologyB.A. College of the Deserts Social Sciences program is designed to provide students with a general overview of various disciplines of the SocialSciences, help students meet general education requirements for transfer to four-year institutions, and provide them with supporting courses for majors in other programs. Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE), and Jonathan R. Cole Professor of Sociology. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Limitation on enrollment: None 1994 University of California - Irvine M.A. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D8 IGETC: 4H, PHIL 006Introduction to PhilosophyUnits: 3, This course surveys the traditional philosophical problems of knowledge, logic, ethics, aesthetics, religion and metaphysics. Sociology Instructor-Part time in person lecture Job Bakersfield Grading: Letter Sign Up | Log In. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies - Who We Are College of the Desert is a district that consists of leadership, staff, and faculty who are committed to enhancing our community through supporting the academic success of all of our students including students of color, students with disabilities, students who are first generation to college, veterans, students of all ages, students with diverse Grading: Pass/No Pass ocollins@collegeofthedesert.edu Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Women faculty members at the school are paid $10,310 a month on average; which is about the same as average men faculty salaries - $10,512 a month. 2021 Kansas State University, NICHOLAS ALTMAN (2020) Instructor, Golf ManagementB.A. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Special attention is given to the interpretation of relevant quantitative data. African Studies, IRES, Sociology, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Email: kbalogun@uoregon.edu Office Hours: Winter 23, Monday noon-1:00 p.m., Wednesday 12:30-1:30 p.m. and by appointment on zoom Emeriti and Retired Faculty - Wheaton College, IL Limitation on enrollment: None South Orange County Community College District Saddleback College, CA Teacher Education Posted 03/15/22. 2012 Brandman University, JEFF H. BAKER (2018) Vice President, Student ServicesB.A. 1985 Hamilton College M.B.A. 1990 Cornell University Ed.D. 34. Tenure Track Faculty - Surface Water Hydrologist (Geology) California State University, Sacramento Sacramento, CA Geology, Earth Sciences, and Oceanography Posted 12/03/22. Grading: Letter Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Listing for: State Center Community College District. 2007 College of the Desert B.S. Limitation on enrollment: None Prerequisite: None COD GE: C2, C3 CSU GE: C2, D6 IGETC: 3B, 4F, HIST 005History of Western Civilization IUnits: 3, This course surveys the emergence of Western Civilization from its roots in the valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates and Nile Rivers to 16th century Europe. (C-ID SOCI 115) Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 1992 California State University - Fullerton M.A. Signs of infection were anorexia, soft faeces, progressive weakness and loss of wool. 2017 San Diego State University, AHMED ELSHAFIE (2015) Assistant Professor, Astronomy/PhysicsB.S. 760.346.8041. 1987 University of California - Irvine B.A. If you have not received this email, please contact Admissions and Records or by calling 760-773-2516. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D7 IGETC: 4G, This course introduces students to the origins, current status, and future trends of major transnational issues confronting the global community. Prerequisite: None Limitation on enrollment: None Human Resources; Campus Map; Directions; Video Campus Tour; (C-ID ENGL 105) How do I earn a certificate, complete a program, graduate, and/or transfer from COD? (C-ID PSY 200) 2019 Western Governors University, JESSICA MORONEZ (2020) Assistant Professor, Social Sciences and Arts, JAMIL W. MORTADA (2019) Professor, MathematicsB.S. Limitation on enrollment: None Prerequisite: None 8. Advisory: ENG 001A 44 . Prerequisite: PS 001 2006 McGill University M.M. Traditional and contemporary theories are covered and applied to current events and issues. KPMG Office Hours Social/Networking | Student Recruiting KPMG Professionals will be on campus each Wednesday until March 29 to meet with students and answer questions. An examination of phenomena and processes associated with one's beliefs, attitudes and evaluative responses and behaviors toward members of a social group will be included. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No However, transfer requirements at four-year colleges and universities tend to vary from institution to institution; students should consult with a counselor for specific information regarding the transfer requirements of their preferred college or university. Opens in a new window. Experienced Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in higher education. Prerequisite: ENG 001A MATH 054 Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 2008 Gallaudet University M.A. cjonescage@collegeofthedesert.edu 2011 California State University Dominguez Hills Ed.D. 1999 University of California - Riverside M.S. In particular, the course introduces the major social, economic, political, intellectual and cultural developments that shaped what came to be known as "the West." Lecture Hours: NoneLab Hours: 54Repeatable: No Grading: Letter Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Opens in a new window. Limitation on enrollment: None Advisory: None 23. 760.776.7449, Chris Jones Academic, College Lecturer, Faculty, Part Time Teacher Teaching Part Time Teacher Job Description & How to Apply Below This position is not remote. Prerequisite: None Within the Social Sciences program, students can earn an Associate of Arts degree in any of the eight disciplines and/or a Certificate of Achievement in Alcohol & Drug Studies. 1994 University of California - Riverside, LISA SOCCIO (2006) Associate Professor, Art HistoryB.A. English < College of the Desert Academic Programs - College of the Desert Campus Portal. 2006 University of Maryland - College Park, JANET MILLER (2018) Associate Professor, Theatre Arts B.A. 2000 University of Southern California D.A. Advisory: None 2002 University of California - Santa Cruz Ph.D. 2006 University of California - Santa Cruz, LISA KINSEY (2015) Assistant Professor, NursingA.S. 40. Can I earn college credit without taking classes at COD? System Downtimes Attention Potential Downtimes for Self Service and WebAdvisor are as follows: 12:01am - 1:00am : Monday - Saturday 12:01am - 4:00am : Sunday 2014 University of California - Riverside, THOMAS O'GRADY (2016) Assistant Professor, American Sign LanguageB.A. Throughout the course, the application of theoretical debates to the contemporary world is stressed. It is designed to develop understanding of institutions basic to world civilization. 760.776.7349, ANTH 001Human Evolution: Introduction to Biological AnthropologyUnits: 3, This course introduces the concepts, methods of inquiry, and scientific explanations for biological evolution and their application to the human species. 2011 National University Ed.D. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D IGETC: 4, This course examines the major features of the natural environment including land, water, air and life forms. She has carried out archeological and architectural fieldwork in Syria, Iran, Morocco, Turkey, Central Asia, Tunisia, and Ukraine. Social Sciences < College of the Desert Requested leave time - August 21, 2023 - May 21. 1997 University of Illinois - Chicago M.A. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] Grading: Letter Students will analyze the U.S. Constitution as well the legislative, executive and judicial branches of governance with regard to citizenship, pluralism, and civil rights and liberties. Can I earn college credit without taking classes at COD? Vince Cronin from Baylor University replaces Rich Busch as author and editor of the 11th edition, along with the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, to bring a modern pedagogical, digital approach to the labs and a new narrative that supports the need of students to get . Faculty | Department of Sociology - Columbia University COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D7 IGETC: 4G, HIST 003History of World Civilization IUnits: 3, This course is a broad study of the major elements of history from ancient times to the Renaissance. Behavior Specialist | Autism Services | Riverside, Palm Desert, CA 2001 MiraCosta Community College B.A. Advisory: ENG 001A 1995 Southern Connecticut State University M.S.N.- Ed 2019 Grand Canyon University, JENNE CAREY (2021) Professor, Social Sciences & ArtB.S. 1990 San Diego State University M.A. 2006 Reed College Ph.D. 2015 University of California - Berkeley, JOHN A. GERARDI (2011) Professor, AccountingA.A. COD GE: C4b CSU GE: A3 IGETC: None, PHIL 012Religions of the WorldUnits: 3, An historical and conceptual introduction to the world's principal religious philosophies -- Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- with an examination of their original writings and subsequent commentaries COD GE: None CSU GE: C2 IGETC: 3B, PS 001Introduction to GovernmentUnits: 3, This course is an introduction to the principles, organization and politics of the National Government of the United States, including the study of State and local government. In particular, the course focuses on the development of well being and understanding process of learning and applying adequate methods of coping in problematic situations. (C-ID PSY 150) Emphasis is placed on the syntax and semantics of elementary deductive logic. 31. The various social, political, and economic conditions and experiences of people of Mexican ancestry living in the United States are examined in historical context, from the pre-Columbian period to the present. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 2010 Ventura Community College B.S. To view the most current list of College of the Desert Associate Degrees for Transfer please go to Academic Programs. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 1991 University of California - Irvine M.A. 1997 California State University - San Bernardino M.B.A. 2000 California State University - San Bernardino, AMY GLOVER (2019) Instructor, BiologyB.S 2009 Central Michigan University M.S.
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