Congrats! Is It Implantation Bleeding or Your Period? - Parents I'm curious if anyone had a period when AF was due and then still got a BFP shortly after? Granted it was almost 7 years ago! Either way if your going to test. Your last period must have been IP! Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Still getting positives on the hpts this afternoon and now spotting but no pain. It's possible. i talked to a health care teacher because i was really scared about it, and she said it was complete normal. Weve been ttc for 10 cycles now. Overall irregularity. I could have just O very late also. I was naturally a bit sad at first since hubby kind of said this was our last go and still sad but I'm happy that it wasn't something serious. Hiya! That's terrible. Finished my period thurs but i've got bfp???? (tmi) | BabyCentre Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! To preface, I was meant to ovulate way back on the 3rd but when I got close to my period I took an ovulation test and it was blazingly positive. So they said just barely pregnant and at this point in the game it should have been much higher so I probably started my loss nine days ago with the bleed. Rare but somehow it's possible. Are you asking if someone who has had short periods has gotten pregnant. Weirdest chart yet, but BFP (details in comments) : r/TFABChartStalkers. Yesterday I had some very faint spotting and a smear of pink mucus when I wiped so I was worried maybe my hormones are out of whack from coming off the pill before last cycle. As far as I know I'm CD11 and waiting to O in a few days or week. perhaps wait another two weeks by which time maybe your cycle has reset itself? The light brief period was an implantation bleed. I really hope the numbers go up! So exciting!!! How does an ectopic get diagnosed? Dear luhunnie, sorry to her you haven't had the result you hoped for yet. A few days after that I got my BFP. I'll do another test 2moro morning and see if its darker. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. This is insane. How exciting! Yesterday I started spotting. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. I was still nursing my dd who was only 9 months old I had a light period but didn't think too much of it because I was nursing and we were buying a house at the time and we were ntnp. Took a test 1 week after the bleeding and negative. At first I thought maybe it s implantation bleeding but today is fourth day so it s too long for implantation bleeding. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. I didn't get a postive till 8 days after my period was due. We weren't trying, and I was on vacation, so decided that my period decided to stop as a vacation gift to the BFP 4 days later, DD was born 31 weeks later. If I had known I was pregnant I would have totally freaked out over the bleeding! I got my labs results and the HCG levels were at 15.4 yesterday. They did a blood draw but it only came up with 6 and at 5 they consider you pregnant. Afterwards I started to feel intense cramps on both sides of my pelvis. in Dec. which I honestly don . BFN at the emerg last night and no one knows whats wrong. Sorry, I had a short period which isn't usual for me and have been having bloating nausea and fatigue and was curious if I could be pregnant even if I've had a period. For science! Weirdest chart yet, but BFP (details in comments) To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Guys help! So, on August 16th I started what I thought was my normal period - red. Bfp!!! It Was Not Afit Was Heavy Implantation Bleeding I'm assuming that was implantation bleeding and you are pregnant! I bled when I was pg with my first and thought it was my period. in Dec. which I honestly don't think so. Im usually on the dot and heavy flow, no cramps. It s between spotting and very light period. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you! I posted on here a few days ago, thought I would share my story. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Because of recently being pregnant. Its ending today after starting Wednesday which is so unusual to me. I'll have to wait til tues now i guess, would they deem this important enough for an out of hours surgery? Anyone have a late "Period" then BFP?? That is until I didn't want My coffee. All the same symptoms of af. We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. Thanks for your responses ladies!!! However, if you usually have a cycle that's less than 26 days, something may be amiss. Thought it might be an evap so I took another HPT and the faint line appeared within the minute. At this point, I would keep testing to see if there's line progression on the tests and get a doctor to give you a requisition for beta hcg levels to be drawn and monitored to ensure they are doubling, it's the only accurate way to see. 3 years ago 15 Replies. I have had many extremely light periods in the past. Im currently confused whats going on. Is it implantation bleeding or my period? | MadeForMums Share the highs and lows, and meet other women experiencing the same concerns. My issue is low progestrone and that causes spontaneous abortions because my estrogen is too high and my progestrone isn't high enough. But heres the thing: I had missed my last monthperiod (which wasnt a surprise because my cycles are irregular sometimes), I took a HPT and got a BFN. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. I am super-duper excited and happy (we have been casually trying for about 8 months).. This can be very confusing for women who are pregnant and is the reason many women don't realise they are pregnant for a while. Wow! Guys help! It's possible. Thank you! It sucks getting all excited and then being let down. I went to the lab today to get a HCG quantitative test and see whats going on. I guess it isn't clear what your asking. Normally my period lasts 7 days, this one lasted only 3. Period but BFP! The only way you'll know is if you do a test - best to wait a couple of days after the bleeding stops because if it is implantation bleeding, it will take a couple of days for hcg to rise. Lol hope this helps. I just need to relax and be excited. It's most likely that you experienced heavy implantation bleeding and figured it was your period. Short and strange period then faint BFP. - What to Expect 14 DPO: Symptoms, Test Accuracy, Spotting, and More - Healthline FX for a sticky bean. If your luteal phase is less than 10 days long (in other words, you get your period 10 days or fewer after ovulation), it's a sign that your progesterone levels are too low. A short luteal phase can make it difficult to conceive. I think I ovulated around May 20. Waiting for dr to call me back to tell me when I can come in. Congratulations, I definitely see a pink line with FRER (and on the other test also)! Today I went for blood test and I'm hoping that it confirms . This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. my friend has that exact same thing. I did get a referral to an ObGYN so I hope to get some insight and progesterone and all other hormones tested. light period then bfp? Good luck!! So, on August 16th I started what I thought was my normal period - red. But I was chalking all of this up to a cold. Periods that have only lasted 2-3 days and was extremely light. Have you ever had issues with breakthrough bleeding or a hormonal imbalance in the past? Sorry, I had a short period which isn't usual for me and have been hav. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). light period/spotting a week after taking plan b | Birth Control My period is due tomorrow (or Sunday). I'm so hoping this is my bfp! Finished my af last week and have been a bit rough during it and since, my dh keeps saying test but I'm to chicken cause I know I would be disappointed if it's negative. Subject: Anyone get BFP during what you thought was a period? Will keep you posted! The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. Soexcited9782 29/11/16. *** PLEASE TELL ME, How were your HCG levels when you noticed you were pregnant????? Your bleed could be anything from, Implantation to a false period, I think who weeks later and still getting strong BFP and new symptoms is a great sign x. So I took a test and got a BFN. Congratulations!! I really hope your bean stuck and the bleeding was just a weird IB. They said with that low of hcg ectopic is highly unlikely which is a good they said I'm probably experiencing an early loss. They can't see me till December 22. hi fellow rainbow mommas!! As a result, couples who are TTC will try to time sex to conincide with this time of the month. How long will it take to get pregnant? My second mc since April:( my HCG levels were only 26 on Tuesday morning. I'm so confused this morning!! I'm guessing it's an early loss as well though. UPDATE!!! A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. So sorry dor your losses as well. found out yesterday I'm 5wks after having my last period which I now know was actually breakthrough bleeding. So long story short, my period was 6 days late and I was SO sure that I was pregnant - just a gut feeling, had some . i've almost convinced myself the period was an early miscarriage and this is residual hcg. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), short period then bfp - HAZ Rental Center I haven't had any spotting or blood since 2 weeks ago. If the estrogen levels are higher than progesterone levels, bleeding can be heavier or last longer. That is so exciting :) Im having the exact same thing happen as what youve described and I was just wondering what color the bleeding you experienced was? Wtf. Nevermind that any RE or Nurse in an REs office would tell you to <i>start CD1 as your first day of full flow</i>, not brown spotting, and that spotting prior to AF can be a sign of an LP defect. My period was due may 7. As far as I know I'm CD11 and waiting to O in a few days or week. I know but I read that the Walgreens brand can give false positives and now Im doubting , Yeah, but yours looks kinda thick and definitely pink. Typically my periods last for a week, this was 2 days , and really not much of anything. I would have been 5 weeks yesterday if I was pregnant. I am two days after my period and I have been feeling like shit so I took a test and got a positive cheapie so I took a frer and it's positive. Anyone had their period but then got their bfp? - Netmums Ill keep you all posted!! The other possibility is not one you want to hear (and I hope is not the case) but it's possible you are experiencing an early loss. The up and down emotions are very hard on you and hubby. Well 2 weeks goes by and I started feeling a little off. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. DPO stands for "days past ovulation" so 12 DPO means you are nearing the end of the infamous two week wait and are close to being able to take a pregnancy test reliably. 21/08/2021 11:35. I had spotting a week before my period was due. And congratulations again praying for a really sticky baby!!! I had a very brief, light period right before I got a BFP. I know that's not going to be what you want to hear just prepare yourself I was so excited to see a BFP after a few months trying and was absolutely gutted when it ended : ( A year later and I lost another Bub 13w2d Easter Monday and now still TTC. Hopefully you have a different outcome xx. What if you've been on the Pill for 10 years? 2 days 'period' followed by brown discharge, implantation or just Definitely get to the doctors, This happened to me this time last year, I got my BFP after a normalish AF, I got a strong BFP 21dpo like you I also had some random spotting mid cycle which prompted me to test I also felt pregnant and had mild morning sickness, I was definitely pregnant tracked my hcg up although it wasn't doubling at a normal rate after the first 2 test. Thanks ladies for your responses! What just happened?? For science! to find out how many weeks I am. It will be interesting Im guessing I'm not pregnant but I'm so hopeful. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Brown blood. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. 1. I have 1 day of light bleeding and 2 days of spotting. Good luck & a happy, healthy 9 months:), Sounds like heavy ib to me. Posting on this forum since I got angry responses on the TTC forum. With my DS I had the same old blood, had an early scan and I was 6 weeks and it was vanishing twin, so one sack with heartbeat and one blighted ovum that was breaking down, most people won't even know their pregnancy started as twins when this happens if they do t have an early scan. Also, question for you: how heavy was your AF for the three days that you had it? Keep us posted and fc for your bfp xx. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. I assumed this meant I was pregnant, because when I was pregnant February 07, 2022 | by SuperSaiyanMomma22222. which brand did you use ? All rights reserved. Anyway that prompted me to randomly take a pregnancy test even though I thought it was stupid because I can't be pregnant. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. It happened to me. Jan 17 for 2days , very dark spotting . If it was brown or mostly brown blood that's spotting, which can be completely normal for many women, no need to worry! Sep 20, 2018 10:56PM in Pregnancy. June 14, 2022; idioms for beautiful nature We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. I was on my period for a week, and then i took the pill 3 days after my period. I can't add anything the others haven't said, but wishing you good luck! so its like i have been on my period for 2 weeks. I had a five day light bleed of pinkish blood starting the day AF was due and didn't get my BFP until about seven days after AF was due. Not sure but those poitives are blaring and you havent had anymore bleeding so all sounds pretty good! BUT..I am completely confused as I've literally just had what I thought was my 'period'. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. So how long after the bleeding stopped did you get your bfp? Sorry not much help. Thought you had period and then BFP? | BabyandBump
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