BE MARRIED; Senior 'at Finch !S Engaged to Douglas T. Eiliman Jr;, With Advertising Agency Here, BIG OIL COMPANIES OFFER BETTER GAS; New Motor Fuel Said to Give Up to 25% More Power, 8 to 10% More Mileage, Dodgers Drop Two Players as Rain Puts Off Contest With Giants; ANTONELLO, WOJEY SHIFTED TO MOBILE, CAMERA NOTES; 8mm Club Will Present Annual Show on Friday, SA'NDRA PLA p BEOOMES FIANOEE; { $/; rah. All 1954 Pontiac Star Chief repair parts on offer are designed to provide high quality, performance, and long-lasting service life at an economical price. $3. The Pontiac straight 8 engines are extremely smooth when running, so smooth in fact that you may not think it is running. If it is not feasible for you to personally perform an inspection, we will gladly help facilitate an inspection by an independent service center of your choice and will make delivery arrangements of the vehicle for this purpose. By Herbert Thurston, S. J. Edited by J. H. Crehan, S. J. When you are in need of a reliable replacement part for your 1954 Pontiac Star Chief to restore it to 'factory like' performance, turn to CARiD's vast selection of premium quality products that includes everything you may need for routine maintenance and major repairs. PRESIDENT SPEAKS IN CITY THURSDAY; Talk to Advertising Bureau to Highlight Observance of Press Week Over U. S. Utilities Hit Power Sale Preferences; Favor New U. S. Policy for Local Emphasis on Development, SELMA AL-FAQIH BRID'E IN OAPITAL; Daughter of Saudi Arabian Envoy Married to Aneece Hassen at the Embassy, Columbia in Sweep Over Rutgers Crews; COLUMBIA SCORES SWEEP ON HARLEM, COMMISSIONS -- NEW WAY; Funds From Ticket Sale Used as Payment To Composers by Boston Organization, F. H. A. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press. Mounted Police has graduated after a six-month training program. Official Says Courts Must Rule on Profits as Capital Gains or Income -- Cases Here Outnumber Rest, MOROCCAN TERROR FOUGHT BY FRENCH; Casablanca Put Under Curbs to End Agitators' Threats to Regime's Backers, WILMINGTON PAPER ENDS; Publishers of Sunday Star Cite 'Steady Rising Costs', MISS ZIERIN__GG AFFIANCED; Queens Girl Will Be the Bride I of Benjamin Sevin, Attorney, Soviet Trade Unit Here Revived; Seeks Bids on Embargoed Goods; AMTORG RENEWING U.S. BUYING EFFORT. New York: Coward-McCann. H. WILKINSON, LTD. HEBERT In loving memory of our 333 Ouellette Avenue Phone CL 3-7411 dear daughter. While we offer our cars for online sale and auction, we do also encourage you to visit our beautiful classic car showroom! Funeral service Morris The stars seem dim as I whisper low, Walkervllle Chapel, 1624 Wyandotte My darling, I miss you so. Sleeping Beauty: 1954 Pontiac Star Chief | Barn Finds Skipper Wins First Official Title of L. I. Detroit: John H. Branch, Windsor: J. D. Branch, Riverside Drive, Riverside. Call or e-mail us today to arrange a test drive. Sometimes They Bite; GHOSTS AND POLTERGEISTS. Prayers at chapel Monday, 8 p.m. COLE Stella May, age 69 years, passed away November 1, 1954, at residence, 411 Church Street. 381 pp. Description of 1954 Pontiac Star Chief. 3455 N. Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63074, Visit Our Ebay Store to View More Offerings. Also MAKO In lovlngj memory ofJohn car(j readings. 144 pp. Pontiac Star Chief Market - CLASSIC.COM iriw seven more than the Queens half, j waugh-Jv The statistics: (Legend Big Lansky V Four-H-Hamilton Tiger-Cats; M-Montreal Alouettes; O Ottawa , Turner w Rough Riders; T-Toronto Argo- H. EngUsh-M nauts; O.R.F.U. Stories and Other Writings Hitherto Un-translated. Three great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews surviving. No appointments necessary. NUPTIALS [H JUHE FOR:IVIISS FULLER; Governor Byrnes' Grandniece the Prospective Bride of I J.W. 1957 Pontiac Classic Cars for Sale - Classics on Autotrader 870 Wyandotte Street Class. Lavender and Fresh Bread; THE GIPSY IN THE PARLOUR. Dear brother of Eden R. Mus-selman, Windsor; Gordon E.. Los Angeles, California: David H., Windsor; Harold E., Detroit; Frederick K., Kitchener. ANNUALS ARE EASY; Advance Planning Leads to Bloom Eight Weeks or So After Sowing Outdoors, Louise Suggs' 151 Paces Texas Golf; LOUISE SUGGS' 151 PACES TEXAS GOLF, MONSOON CHANGES INDO-CHINESE WAR; Increasing Summer Rains Scheduled to Slow Down Fighting and Supply, BID BY MUNDT ALLEGED; Mitchell Says Senator Feels 'McCarthy Is Expendable', THE WORLD OF MUSIC; May Festivals in Cincinnati, Ann Arbor, Bethlehem, Rochester and Berea, SPELLMAN IS SERENADED; Korean Children's Choir Visits Cardinal and Sings for Him, ' THE NERVE! ;$ $1,295 $ 1 950 Pontiac Sedan Heater, defroster LIC. First U. S. Chinchilla Pelt Sale Set; Mutation Mink May Have Real Rival in '55 High Fashion, I Ellen Nirden Engaged to Robert K. White. Pinkney V Gill and Ron Stewart of Queens, ! I Campbell at Wyandotte CL 4-5144 $450 $ 1947 Pontiac Coach LIC. Browse the best January 2023 deals on 1954 Pontiac Star Chief vehicles for sale. We offer truly unique and beautiful motorcars for sale. + Read More Save Search Saved (0) My Favorite Listings (0) Filters Applied: Pontiac Starchief Filter by Make & Model Make Ajax AJS Alfa Romeo (169) Allard Allis-Chalmers Allstate (8) Father Rondot officiating. Also remodeling, rellning, cleaning. Montreal; 21 guards Ray Clcla, Montreal: Herb Tra-20 wick. $4. 35 pp. Loving remembrance, longed lor always, Bring many a silent tear. EXPORTERS WEIGH PLEA FOR U. S. HELP; Credits or Tax Exemptions Among Proposals -- Federal Aid Is Opposed by Some, SECRETARY DULLES' TRIP AS VIEWED IN EUROPE; Original Fears When He Was Named Secretary of State Allayed by His Flexible Diplomacy, MARY HARD!SON ENQAGED; Fiancee of Lee C. Smith, Son of Late U. F. FISCHER JR.; I Graduate'of Wheelock College Becomes Bride of Marine Veteran in Port Chester. Wearing Apparel Mrs. Frank Thorne (Catherine), Mrs. George O'Neil (Stella), both of De-troit; Mrs. George Secord of Thames-vllle. Lou Kusserow of touchdowns. 45,000 miles. In exquisite Sierra Blue and India Ivery paint. Fulton, CA The pontiac starchief looks and runs great. BATIUK The family of the late Bill Batluk wishes to express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors for their floral tributes, cards, loan of cars, kindness and sympathy during their recent loss of husband and father. The Dodger official left no doubt The Dodgers received bids from six in anybodys mind that he was clubs for his services, one of them seeking a starting pitcher from the as high as $100,000, but turned Phillies preferably & lefthander of them all down. All functions work. TILDEN RENT-A-CAR Business or Pleasure Rentals New Cars. He had Davis set up, but didnt deliver the clincher. 240 pp. Butu, Detroit. By Don Ryan. Air conditioning heater LIC. Extended warranty options are available on most vehicles. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief Custom Catalina Hardtop- $ MARTIN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Martin (nee Claudia Simpson) are happy to announce the birth of a son, David Joseph, October 31, 1954, at Hotel Dleu. It comes as no surprise that the only non-import on the Canadian Press 1954 Big Four All-Star offensive team is a flyingwing. There are 10 Pontiac Star Chief for sale across all model years (1954 to 1966) and variants, no 1st Gen and none are model year 1954 . Any distance from 65336. By Merritt Parmelee Allen. COLLINS Mr. and Mrs. Doug Collins (nee Sylvia Mosley) announce the arrival of their daughter, Vickie Anne, 7 lbs. Apparently tucked away for many years, this Pontiac is a solid condition driver with a lot of recent maintenance. Sister of Charles Wilkinson of Berkley, Mich., and Mrs. Malme Webb of Consort, Alberta. Dear sister of Lawrence R. Havs, Pittsburgh. TllPft- So H 1 xt mlceari hxr txHf and con Street East at Lincoln Road, Tuesday, November 2, at 9:30 a.m. to St. George's Romanian Greek Orthodox Church at 10 a.m.. Rev. Davis picked Ryff over Andrade, who also holds a decision over the Los Angeles boxer, as the better boxer. The Young Visitors; INGVILD'S DIARY: Written at the Children's International Summer Village, Glendale, Ohio. ROUTS AIR FORCE; ' U. S.' Insigne Now Will Remain on Uniform Buttons, POKER SPLITS POT AT POLLS ON COAST; Game Gets Vote of Confidence in One California Town, Setbacks in 2 Others, TEA EXHIBIT TO OPEN; Botanical Garden Display Will Cover History and Romance. It is fully equipped including continental kit and very rare factory air. Don Zimmer and our new young' delphia report regarding the possi- MALAMPY Margaret, 82 years Novem-second haseman, Charlie Neal-jbility of a trade between the Dod- -r -195 236J, B5iJ There shouid le a real scramble and phmies but declined to for infield positions. Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM In the Ozarks; GHOST CAT. Location. To all Orangemen and Protestants who would like to form an Orange Lodge In Leamington, please get in contact by mail, with the County Master, Mr. S. Gill, 1209 McKay Ave., Windsor, Ont. Please be advised that no verbal statements concerning any vehicle constitutes a representation or warranty of said vehicle. Elmes. Daniel Schmitt & Company has described the above-mentioned vehicle to the best of our ability. Prayers evenings at 8 pjn. 217 pp. Sunday: Closed, .switcher {font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt;text-align:left;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;width:163px;line-height:17px;} Illustrated by the author. 'l ,-awrence I the ProspectiVe Bride of'JJ Dr. Harry 'Schoenberg , J, POWER OF SHIVERS IS FIRM IN TEXAS; Governor, Bolter to G. O. P. in 1952, Wins on Legislation and Heads for Third Term, Dr. Oppenheimer Praised; Tribute Paid to His Contributions to Country's Welfare and Security, Dewey Signs Car Inspection Bill; Compulsory Tests Start in 1955; DEWEY SIGNS BILL ON CAR INSPECTION, U. S. INCREASING AID TO ARAB COUNTRIES; Economic Development Help Rising This Year to Balance Past Grants to Israel, City Opera Troupe Offers 'Show Boat' In New Production of Classic Musical, MISS HUMPHREYS' TROT i; Aiumna of Miss. TRUE MILESTONE MOTORCAR! Learn more. By Albert Kesselring. Dear cousin ui met : cui never mas wmen in my nears ues. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief for sale | Hotrodhotline 1954 Pontiac star chief Deluxe American Classic Car This amazing 4-door classic Car. Daniel Schmitt & Co. Pal, a bachelor of commerce Canadian on the offensive team. 228U1 $695 $ 1946 Pontiac Sedan ; LIC. 1955 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible * Beautiful Car inside and out. We offer pre-purchase inspections of any car upon request. $3.75. Of Note: The 1954 Star Chiefs were the first of the extended deck Pontiacs after Harley Earl applied the concept first to the Cadillac 60 Specials, Coupe de Villes and 62 Convertibles, second to the Oldsmobile 98 . MISS J/E6ER' WED TO 6. New Life on the Mississippi; From St. Paul to New Orleans, a slumbering old river has become a bustling highway for the ingredients of modern industry. 248 pp. 45,000 miles. J name the players discussed. The 23-year-old native of Kearney, N.J., and present scoring leader with 75 points, needs only two touchdowns to surpass the 16-touchdown record season set two years ago by Ulysses Curtis of Toronto Argonauts. By Basil Burwell. Office and Desk, Resoits Wanted to Rent. years regular Dodger second base- uuiiam may De swuenea xo leu jcdis field and dont forget' Billy Cox, Bavasi verified a recent Phila-jman. Share it or review it. Seven grandchildren. All used vehicles should be assumed to have some degree of wear. Lambton, Middlesex, Elgin, Norfolk, Perth. Special trim. They Wouldn't Let Go; A PRIDE OF LIONS. Runs. Water pump. avelich and Jerry Sullivan once ach for the Wings. Radios Optional 475 TECUMSEH RD. Pertaining to non-eBay winners: Anyone who has provided a deposit but whose purchase is still pending, please note that said vehicle will not be held and is subject to being sold at any time until all contingencies are removed and the purchase order is signed. .switcher a img {vertical-align:middle;display:inline;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;opacity:0.8;} Dear mother of Rev. First U. S. Chinchilla Pelt Sale Set; Mutation Mink May Have Real Rival in '55 High Fashion; (open until 5:00 by appointment) It has a 8 cylinder In-line Automatic Transmission 6 Volt with 3-speed Automatic transmission, have white wall tires it is in good Condition!!. E at Goyeau DUNCAN James, 65 years, October 31, , w- D- KelIy 1954, at hospital. The Lively Ghost Town; GHOST TOWN BONANZA. Newsletter - March 2nd New In, Daniel Schmitt & Co. Bonny Lynn, 6 lbs. To the one we loved whom God called home; . WANT AD RATES up to 18 to 21 to 2$ to 15 20 25 30 Word Words Words Words f JO 1.20 $1.50 180 1.68 2.24 2.80 3.36 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 2.88 3.84 4.80 5.76 3.30 4.40 5.50 6 60 3.60 4.80 6.00 7.20 Irregular Insertions take the 1 time rate Minimum 3 lines csb rate 90c 5 words count as one line MUSSELMAN Walter F., 62 years, November 1. Montreal: tackles Tex Coulter. By Louis Golding. 1954 April 18 Articles. C. EIV. Pontiac Star Chief (1954 to 1966) FOLLOW MARKET The Pontiac Star Chief was a series of luxury cars first introduced in 1954. Prayers Tuesday and t, . . Set an alert to be notified of new listings. With Faith and Credit; BIOGRAPHY OF A BANK: The Story of Bank of America. Halfs (Safety) Billy Cross, Toronto: - (tertiary) Harold Patterson, Montreal; 3 (tertiary) Bill McFariane, Toronto; 3 (tertiary) Lou Kusserow, Hamilton; 3 (secondary) Tom Hugo, Montreal; 3 (secondary ) Red Ettlnger, Hamilton: 3 guards Vince Scott, Hamilton; Eddie 3 Bevan, Hamilton; tackles Tex Coulter, 3 Montreal; Jim Staton, Montreal; ends 5 Doug McNichol, Montreal; Pete Neu 3 mann, Hamilton.. 5 5 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 In our memory you are near. Mileage Avg. Take a close look at this stunning Star Chief, with a car like this, you could park a GM "Masterpiece" in your garage. Final Run To Doom; THE FAR SHORE. 1954 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF CUSTOM CATALINA 2 DOOR HARDTOP BEAUTIFUL OLDER RESORATION! * Rates vary depending on year of car, length of term and credit score. . SPECIAL SELECTION; Vegetables for Salad Are One Key to Planting, REDS CRACK DOWN ON 'HOOLIGANISM'; Satellites Bewail Infiltration of Jazz, Jitterbugs, Zoot Suits as Secret Weapons, MISS GI:{ANIRE._______R ENGAGED; Senior at Vassar College andI Dr. Arvin Glicksman to Wed i, DOBERMAN BEST IN SHOW; Stormson Tops Field of 628 in Virginia K. C. Event, OPENING DATE SET ON CACHUMA LAKE; Recreation Area in California to Greet Visitors Saturday -- U.S., County Cooperate. Don and Rev. 2-tons finish, Easy-Eye glass. (ATTENTION INTERNATIONAL BUYERS:Please be aware that you will be responsible for the Federal Reserve fee(s) charged for all incoming wires). 15 results per page. It still has all 5 original tires. To the garden of memories our thoughts ever roam. 15 ozs., brother for Randy, at Hotel Dleu Hospital, October 30, 1954. 1957 Pontiac Chieftain. 1954, at Hotel Dleu Hospital. of Lieut. HOLIDAY SEASON APPROACHING Let us do your catering, plain and fancy sandwiches, salads. $9,500 Dealership CC-1595520 1955 Pontiac Star Chief This 1955 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible is a stunningly restored example of Pontiac's top-of-the-li . Paul Amodio of Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen in the Ontario Rugby Football Union who managed only 20 points in 1953, is the Unions scoring champion with 77, four up on Cookie Gil-, Christ of Sarnia Imperials. Sort By Sorting Order In-terment Green Lawn Memorial Park. The first generation of Pontiac Star Chief was introduced in 1954. November 5. at 10 a.m. Rev. Kent. . Prayers, . 1954 Pontiac Star Chief - CLASSIC.COM AUTOMOBILES: CHECK-UP; Analysis of Accident Figures Is Cited In Support of Compulsory Inspection. New York: Oxford University Press. Copyright 2003-2023 He Fernandez batted .282 last year, . Boston: Little, Brown & Co. $3.50. bile, finished In a metallic green, ln-MlsceUaneous for Sale. O'Connor, 36 Years a Pilot, Marks His Twenty-fifth With American Airlines, U.S. $4. Alternator Belt? All vehicles are sold in AS IS condition. This car has beautiful looks even by today's standards. By Edward Tripp. SUTPHEN IS VICTOR IN DINGHY RACING; Larchmont Y.C. $. ' Ontario. 82-73 $ $1,050 $ 1948 Mercury Sedan LIC. Is Just around the bend. ALONG CAMERA ROW; Magazine Offers Product Directory -- Gun Stock for Cameras, SS WlATHEWSOH TO-BB '; LN Brae .Wellesley, .Beoomes ungagedI to:'Hamish W. H. Maxwell I, IMISS SATTERFIELD BECOMES ENG.GED; ! It has a 8 cyli, This 1955 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible is a beautifully restored, 50s cruiser that was the top of, This 1956 Pontiac Star Chief Custom Catalina is a neat 50s cruiser complete with a numbers matching, Move over Chevy, there's a significantly cooler Tri-5 convertible that the classic car hobby is fina. Illustrated. This prestigious accolade represents the continued growth of the company, and's dominance as the world's largest online marketplace for 200R4. The Stevie Awards, the world's premier business awards recognized Troy, Pa., for services Friday. . Ward caught Jones with two right hand jolts to the head in the sixth, but was himself staggered by two stiff rights in the seventh. New York: Harper & Bros. $3. 52-69 Awnlngs-Tents, Boats and More money has been offered for Fernandez than for any young the Curt Simmons type. With a Hot Iron; THE COWBOY'S OWN BRAND BOOK. WEEK TO OPEN; Programs Here Will Begin Tomorrow in Annual Event, BAO DAI'S VIETNAM REGIME GAINS IN POPULAR SUPPORT; People Veer From Vietminh Because of Its System of Communist Strictures, JIM PETERS HEADS MARATHON FIELD; English Ace Who Beat World Mark Is Choice Tomorrow -- J. J. Kelley U. S. Hope. Trade Schools. GORGEOUS COLOR COMBINATION! 24-hour service Ifdeslred Jack $ Heater, defroster LIC. Paul Kenyon officiating. Please inquire for more information. Joey Pal, 27-year-old university student who played a key role in the power-packed Montreal Alouettes backfield, earned the honor this season. L. CARR, 68,1 A BRITISH OFFICER[, Columbia Expert to Scan Australian School System, REED SWIM TEAM TAKES A.A.U. Each vehicles brand has its strengths, styles, tendencies, and shortcomings. Despite our best efforts to verify a vehicles mechanical condition, we are not able to warranty a manufacturers workmanship or a previous owners diligence in care of said vehicle. 5V278 $ . The advertised mileage represents the actual miles when the car was posted online. TROTHI; Nutley Girl Becomes Fiancee ofI Ri;:c fAThWjb ;:kT:a:h e r, EISEINHOWER LAUDS DIENBIENPHU MEN; He Cites Anew Indebtedness of the Free World -- French and Vietnam Chiefs Reply, GREENWOOD SCANS SUFFOLK OUTLOOK; Democrat Who Defeated Macy for Congress in 1950 Not Sure About Running. In 2016 The Journal, brought to you by, was celebrated as the SECOND MOST INFLUENTIAL automotive blog in the world by NFC Performance. Terry, Kathleen and Holldl7s. We know that classic car financing can pose a unique challenge. 274crane cam. However, as with all pre-owned automobiles, the condition is subjective, and we recommend that the potential buyer fly out to inspect, as well as test drive any of our vehicles before finalizing their purchase. KAVANAUGH In loving memory of IF FOX can't fix your watch, throw It Mrs. Lucy Kavanaugh who passed away. Torpedo . .l_name {float: none !important;margin: 0;} In exquisite Sierra Blue and India Ivery paint. Centers Play Despite Heavy Rain, NAVY BEATS TEMPLE, 4-0; Middies Get 2 in Seventh and 1 in Eighth Off Schilling, NEW TRANSISTOR ON WAY; Volume Output to Begin Soon at Minneapolis-Honeywell, Nasser Supplants Naguib As Premier in Cairo Shift; NASSER BECOMES PREMIER OF EGYPT, NEGRO MASS HELD IN AFRICAN COLONY; Mozambique Rite Highlights Portugal's Assimilation Aim as Against Malan Racism, PREVIEW OF FAR EAST; New Office of Northwest Lines Has Oriental Decor, IN SHADED CORNERS; Perennials and Bulbs Will Bloom in Summer, A Response to Attacks On the Public Schools, FIRE LAID TO STABLEBOY; Youngster Accused of Setting Blaze at Suffolk Downs, DIENBIENPHU FOE CLINGS TO AIRSTRIP; Resists French Bayonet Unit Near Heart of Fortress -- Garrison Is Reinforced, TROTH ANNOUNGED OF VINIANEBARKEY; Former Volunteer Worker !s Engaged to David Brodie , Nuptials to Be Held May21.